Fixes and mobile support for the Poster Maker

A couple weeks ago, I mentioned that I expected mobile support to be a huge amount of work, and, for that reason, I was going to put it off. After a short experiment though, I came to realize it was not nearly as bad as I expected, so I decided to go ahead and make the Poster Maker support mobile.

Though I’ve done my best to ensure the app works on modern desktops and mobile browsers, mobile in particular can be a bit quirky. For example, iOS doesn’t seem to have a way to download PDF client-side, while Android has no ability in Chrome to display PDFs. I removed the Save as PDF button on mobile in favor of a button that will attempt to do what is supported on your device. Even so, some quirks remain. On iOS I was able to print perfectly, but on my old Android device, it seems to be impossible to print at 100% scale, so the printed poster is very slightly smaller than the specified size. Unfortunately, there’s really no way to work around problems like that.

In addition to mobile support, I also fixed a few issues, the most notable of which was due to EXIF orientation data in the image not being respected, causing PDF images to have the wrong aspect ratio.

Next up, I’d like to update the Grade Calculator to work on mobile. After that I might take a detour and update this “blog” to be, uh, an actual blog, with comments and categories. Finally, work will begin on the big Schedule Maker update, which I now plan to ship with mobile support.