Shiny new blog and small tweaks

As usual I haven’t quite followed the plan I outlined in the previous post, and went ahead and got this new blog set up before working on the Grade Calculator. Nothing fancy, but it should serve its purpose as a place to jot down thoughts and notes while working on Gizmoa.

I also made some small tweaks to the Poster Maker now that I have a couple of tablets to test on. I noted that text was a little hard to read on smaller screens, so I bumped up the font size a bit and picked a less bold description font. I also improved the Poster Maker layout such that the app remains centered, and looks OK on narrow tablets.

With all that out of the way, I will now actually begin work on the Grade Calculator. I made that app as more of a test run, so I’m considering doing a substantial redesign in addition to adding mobile support. It’s a much simpler app than the Poster Maker, so my goal is to get that shipped by September.