New tool, the Poster and Banner Maker

After quite a few weekends of work, I’m happy to announce a brand new Gizmoa tool! The new Poster Maker allows you to print large posters at home, by splitting the poster into smaller pieces that you can print on an ordinary printer. After printing, you can cut out each poster segment, then glue them all together and place the result on your wall. In addition to posters, the tool supports banners, and will try to minimize paper use when printing long, thin images.

I think this is a great companion app to the College Schedule Maker, as you can now print your schedules on multiple sheets. In a future update, I wish to update the Schedule Maker such that it can produce vector graphics, which would mean you could print a crisp poster, no matter the size of your schedule. For now, there will be a bit of blurriness when the schedule is blown up, but I still think it’s a big improvement in legibility.

My next goal is an update to the College Schedule Maker, which I hope (but can’t promise) will be done early 2023. In addition to improving rendering, I would like to add additional export options and image formats.

Finally, a note about mobile support. I have to admit this may end up taking a backseat for a while. I’d love to support it, but it adds a massive amount of work that I’d rather spend creating new tools and improving existing ones. Unfortunately, Gizmoa remains a side project right now, so the time I have to work on it is extremely limited!

I hope you all enjoy the new tool, and don’t hesitate to reach out with any feedback.