Gizmoa hiatus

Hey everyone,

After thinking about it for some time, I’ve decided to take a break from working on the site.

I made the Schedule Maker nearly a decade ago, a student myself. As time went on, I graduated, my career progressed, and I found I had less and less free time to work on these little side projects.

Creating the first major update a few years back was hard. It took stubbornly working weekends and weeknights to finally pull it all together.

Creating the Poster Maker this year was even harder. My time was even more limited. And, to be frank, web programming never developed into a strong interest of mine. Working on the Poster Maker, I felt like I spent more time fighting with browser idiosyncrasies than creating practical value.

When I look forward at the prospect of updating the Schedule Maker for a third time… well it’s daunting. I have other projects I’d like to pursue, that lay closer to my interests and career. I’d rather not this website become something I dread, and so, for now, will be putting it on the back burner.

Thanks everyone for your comments suggestions over the years. I do promise to keep Gizmoa up and running, even if it doesn’t receive updates for a while.